The Same Old Reindeer

December 9, 2010

We put up the tree today.

Every year, the tree goes in the same spot.

We hang our stockings in the same corner. The railing is
covered in the same tinsel. We have the same old reindeer on the lawn, the same
old tree skirt, the same old angel on the top of the tree.

And, this is how we like it.

I know people say that change is good, but occasionally, we
just need something in our lives to be constant. Occasionally, we need tradition.

Tradition is defined as a continuing pattern of beliefs or
practices, but to me, tradition is really defined as that deep breath you take
when you walk into that same theater. It is the taste of the same pie Grandma
has been making for years. It is that anticipation you feel, knowing exactly
what you have to look forward to.

Tradition is that sigh of relief, that smell of the
familiar; it is that same old reindeer.

If you think about it, traditions are essentially the reason
anything exists at all. One person a long time ago decided to start something.
And, he did it again, and again, and again. And then, someone else saw it, and
he started doing it. And now, you do it too.

Think about all the spectacular traditions that exist today;
someone started those. Think about all the silly traditions you have in your
family; someone started those too.

And you know, the real beauty behind tradition is that you can start one.

My old tradition: every year, my mother and I go see a dance
performance, eat at the same restaurant, and reminisce about all the reasons we
love the arts.

My new tradition: I'm buying the tickets.

After all, this is the time of year for tradition. So, keep
the old traditions that you adore, but make a new one for you and someone you
love. Put that same old reindeer on the lawn, but get tickets to see that new show.
Then, eight years from now, you can take that deep breath when you walk into
the same old theater, but not until after you have a piece of Grandmas same old

Allyson Taubenheim
Marketing Intern and U of M Student