Northrop Presents
Student Matinee: BalletMet
Thu, Mar 27, 10:30 am
Recommended for Grades 5-12.
BalletMet is committed to uplifting communities and schools through dance with education programs focused on developing body awareness and movement through learning and fun. During this student-centered program, dancers will perform excerpts from Timeless Tide, a work that brings swirling energy onstage to depict the gravitational pull of time, and selections from Seasons, in which dancers gracefully depict the cycle of nature. With choreography by Yue Yin and Edwaard Liang, the one-hour program highlights cultural contributions from Asian-American artists. Throughout the performance, BalletMet artists will explain and demonstrate what students are seeing. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions at a post-performance Q&A.
Watch this space for educational resources to use before and after the performance.